Functional Medicine Support
- Naturopathy
- Herbal Medicine Support (herbs are healing food)
- Vitamin Deficiency
- Homeopathy
- Detoxification (get the toxins out)
- Integrative Medicine Techniques
Holistic Nutritionist Atlanta, GA
- Educating you about your body’s individual nutritional needs
- Identifying nutritional deficiencies and then supporting the body properly to restore health and balance
- Look at each person as an individual with unique nutritional needs.
- Food Intolerance Testing to identify foods causing an imbalance
- Learn how to eat to obtain a healthy weight.
- Healthy meats vs. sick meats, healthy protein vs toxic proteins
- Using food to enhance a healthy environment within your body.
Our integrative and alternative medicine approach to wellness has enabled us to help people all over the state of Georgia and throughout the US to feel healthier, balanced, more energetic and ALIVE!

- Attention Deficit, Behavior Problems, Autism
- Adrenal Fatigue
- Hypothyroid, Hashimoto’s Hyperthyroid
- Fibromyalgia, Arthritis & Chronic Pain
- Hormone Imbalance
- Skin Conditions
- Auto Immune
- Heart Health
- Blood Sugar Imbalances
- Irritable Bowel, Colitis
- Weight Gain & the Inability to Lose Weight
- Frequent Immune Challenges
- Asthma and Allergies
Nutritionally Yours has a high success rate helping people that are suffering with Auto Immune, Fibromyalgia & Pain. Our practitioner was diagnosed with Lyme Disease in 1985. She is always willing to share her story with others and what worked to help her body improve. She personally understands the health struggles you are going through.
Our team of experts provide care that goes beyond standard medical treatments. Through our Diabetes Care Centers, we guide you in healthy living with diabetes day-to-day. Our services include instruction on:
- Healthy eating: Learn how to make the right choices in the foods you eat
- Activity: Understand how to integrate exercise that’s appropriate for your overall health into your routine
- Monitoring: Keeping track of the glucose levels in your blood will help you gauge how you’re doing with diet, exercise and medication
- Reacting: When monitoring your glucose levels, we will teach you what to do for abnormally high or low blood sugar levels.